PokerStars Handles

UsernameReal Name
1348681Rob Carter
12_Mile_PetePeter Allder
aces4gr8tecAndrew Bloom
ashura87Alison Shura
BigA214Allan Mooney
Bob RonsonTim Linehan
bobbyboy43Bob Grattage
britishgirl1 Mary Cromwell
Bruindog08Mark Donahue
BuzzedalotCharlie Hargraves
CoachMike11Mike Paterson
Cougar_DohChris Leftereys
Cycle20Kathleen Arnold
Dan Anthony8Daniel Anthony
DAVID_KORDave Korman
douce1325Donna Doucette
Drunkjoker52James Skead
DuMDDuMzzzRob Walker
Extreme RNBrenda Lucas
fergie56Kim Kilroy
FiFi1223Fiona Archer
fivecookieRavi Shah
FloorpyeTim McCue
forsolarLinda Alm
fuelguy208Dave Wicklam
Gazman181Garry Webster
Glider1Don Maclean
Ibby884John Ibbetson
itz al goodKirsten Maclean
j_korman19897Jessica Pereira
jaman_30Jamie Magill
jaxonwithrowJackson Withrow
jcl4019Jo-Ann Colantonio
Jim MulhollandMannifester
jodyallJody Allison
jstwastntymeRobert LaFontaine
kamikazeCami Ofrim
Key To FitDave McQueen
KiserSozsayShaun Brennan
kkkk8eKate Ibbetson
Kurilka0709Alex Alexsandrovski
KylePubPoker.caKyle Dacey
legalbatPat Kelly
Listen2SaboWayne Glen
LittleKyle7AAEvan Dacey
ludedude128Toan Phung
manofstee720Matt Leitch
Mtz77Max Tuzlin
Mully7979Barrie Leech
newguy55555Kevin Gale
No_Onions_12Mike Arnold
PandaBera207Ken Warren
ped52Dave Pedersen
PokerPilotKHKevin Healy
PS6TSBCJeff Shura
PTMM100Tony Lee’s Dad
Randal596Randy Noel
Raquelle330Tammy Allen
Revera151Kevin Sweerts
Robar70Rocky Robar
sabit2468Sabo Amiti
shark1414Gail King
Shazzan99Sharon Joudrey
Sledder5040Paul Lynn
Stueyy13Stuart Kerridge
Superlily415Tiffany Stephens-Leitch
ToeKneeEye88Tony Intranuovo
TonyS990Tony Souvannarath
ValdarianDan St. Germaine
ValsGal0112Sue Hebert
Volans274Tony Lee
xx0029xxBarbara Aird
Zeke363636Zahava Bell

Jump to Weighted Average Finish Standings

RankNamePointsQuadsStraight FushRoyal FlushB2B Wins

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WAF is the average of: your daily finish position / number of players in the game x 100
AAF adjusts your score to account for those who have played less than 12 games during the season
If total games played ≥ 12, then AAF=WAF
If total games played < 12, then AAF = WAF * (12 / total games played)
In order to qualify for the Tournament of Champions based on your AAF score, a minimum of 12 games must be played during the season.

RankNameAdjusted Avg FinishWeighted Avg Finish# Games